Miami Valley Human Resources Association (MVHRA) is excited to announce an alliance with the national Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) in the strategic initiative known as Dual Membership. Click HERE for more information.
Ready to join/renew? Click on the image below.
Through ongoing commitment to Dayton-area HR professionals and professional development, MVHRA will offer a HR Professional Certification SHRM Prep Course or SHRM Exam Reimbursement for the Spring/Summer 2025. The reimbursement is offered as a benefit to MVHRA members only.
Provided you are a MVHRA member in good standing, complete this application and submit it to MVHRA by emailing it to Leigh Oldham, MVHRA HR Certification Committee Chair at to apply for reimbursement. Before submitting this reimbursement application, check your certification exam eligibility through SHRM. This reimbursement is for upto $500 toward prep course fee or reimbursement for having registered, taken and passed SHRM certification. Prep course participants are required to purchase the text used by the SHRM course provider. Course participants will need to meet their certification exam eligibility requirements and also apply for certification prep course participation.
Reimbursement applications must be received no later than March 15th, 2025, to be considered. Reimbursement recipient will be selected by members of the MVHRA Board. Reimbursement recipient and applicants will be notified of reimbursement selections no later than April MVHRA Luncheon
Questions can be directed to Thank you for your interest in a MVHRA HR Professional Certification SHRM Prep Course or Exam Testing reimbursement. Best wishes on your certification journey!
The Pinnacle Award is the most prestigious honor SHRM state councils and chapters can receive. Created in 1991, it recognizes innovative projects created and implemented by SHRM affiliates. MVHRA was one of twelve human resource organizations which included nine chapters and three state councils —out of more than 600 —from across the country to win the award in 2023. Read the Press Release.
Welcome to Miami Valley Human Resources Association.
I am excited about the future of the Miami Valley Human Resources Association. We have a lot to be proud of. Over the last few years, we’ve launched innovative programming and offered expanded benefits for our members including the HR Communities, the Mentoring Program, the Veterans Job Fair, and the Rebranding of our logo and website. We’ve formed partnerships with local organizations such as the Dayton Chamber of Commerce, Technology First, the HR Collaborative, and Clothes That Work. These initiatives are making an impact on our community and in our workplaces. Because of these efforts, our chapter has been awarded the SHRM Excel Platinum Award and the Pinnacle Award. That’s a big deal! I commend you all for your efforts to make our chapter a source of valuable resources, networking opportunities, and inspiration for HR professionals.