Interested in learning more about and/or volunteering on the following MVHRA Committees? Please click on the Committee name to contact the Committee Chairperson.
Promotes professional certification through both the SHRM and HRCI certification processes by offering scholarships for certification preparation courses, informing membership of certification benefits, and by recognizing members obtaining certification and recertification.
The MVHRA College Relations Committee actively works with the local SHRM student chapter to provide programming and opportunities to connect with our members.
To provide programs and resources that promote diversity as a strategic component of MVHRA overall mission which is critical to our individual and organizational success as Human Resources professionals.
The Governmental Affairs Committee Chair is an appointed position and monitors and evaluates on a continuing basis pending legislative, regulatory and legal action at the federal, state, and local level, which may have an impact on the management of human resources. Presents a legislative report of update to the Chapter President and fellow chapter members. Inform elected officials of SHRM's position on legislation affecting the human resources profession. Works in close cooperation with the State Public Affairs Director and the national headquarters staff in carrying out these tasks.
The purpose of the Job Opportunities - Resumes Chair is to facilitate the publication of job opportunities and resumes as a benefit to Chapter members as well as non-members. This individual acts as a liaison between the company/individual who requests to have a job opportunity or resume publicized and our Newsletter Chair and/or our web host.
This committee is responsible for providing marketing advice and counsel to all member- and community-facing committees (i.e., membership, newsletter, job bank, community relations, college relations, and networking/publicity) of MVHRA to support the chapter's mission, provide consistency and continuity, and support/enhance the brand and image of MVHRA to the community and prospective new members.
The membership engagement committee assists HR professionals and businesses to excel by utilizing membership benefits. Engage members through chapter activities. Expand chapter outreach through connections with those who could benefit from membership.
Promote the SHRM Foundation programs and activities to the MVHRA members and raise funds to support the MVHRA’s commitment to the SHRM Foundation.
Liaison between MVHRA and vendors for advertisements on our website or newsletter. Committed to raising awareness and enhancing community knowledge for MVHRA members. To promote MVHRA benefits and presence in our community and potential members/vendors while enhancing networking and human resource activities within our community.
The Past Presidents Chair serves in a consultative capacity, providing advice, guidance, counsel and support to the Board.
This committee assists the Board of Directors and committee chairs in developing and recording the goals and objectives that MVHRA wants to achieve each year. The SHAPE committee is responsible for working with each of the chairs to record their annual initiatives and document their success via the SHRM website. By participating in SHAPE it allows the affiliate chapters to operate in a professional manner, effectively manage its finances, maintain affiliation standards, and promote SHRM. The report is submitted to SHRM each year by January 31st. The Excel Awards recognize achievement by SHRM affiliate chapters at four levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.
Technology - Ensures the MVHRA website is meeting the needs of our membership, helping us grow as an organization and providing substantive information which allows the membership to get the most out of their MVHRA membership.
We have two key initiatives – preparing local students (K-12) to enter the workforce through Junior Achievement and coordination with military employer/employee outreach. We are looking for people who are passionate about educating our youth and supporting our military.
The membership committee plays a key role in maintaining the health and growth of the Chapter membership. Works with the President and chapter leadership (and SHRM National) to engage existing members and attract new members. Execute membership acquisition and renewal campaigns on an ongoing basis.