Our Vision (Where We Want To Be):
To promote HR as “the catalyst” for better workplaces.
Our Mission (Why We Exist):
Connect, Support, and Educate HR Professionals
MVHRA Strategic Plan 2023 - 2025:
Objective #1 - Brand MVHRA as the regions’ primary source to connect, support and education HR professionals in the Miami Valley
- Identify the Branding ChannelsCreate a more engaging environment at MHVRA luncheons
- Social media, email, web refresh, social networking, and quarterly newsletter
- Increase Student & HR Professional Memberships, resources, partnerships
- Enhance New Offerings / Channels
- Evaluate Enhancement Results
Responsible Committees: Programming, Marketing, Engagement, Technology
Objective #2 - Membership Awareness
- Increase membership by 5% annually
- Increase renewal rate of membership by 5%
- Launch SHRM DMR initiative to become a 100% Chapter
Responsible Committees: Membership, Past Presidents, Engagement, Marketing
Objective #3- Board Succession Planning
- Implement Board Onboarding & Expectations.
- Identify and prepare candidates for executive board and committee leadership positions that become vacant.
- Revise and maintain the current written succession plan.
Responsible Committees: Membership, Networking/Community Relations, and Marketing